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​Let’s talk about Ricky…

​Let’s talk about Ricky…

Jun 10th 2017

Ricky is Christa’s Husband and Holly’s Father In-law. After years of being out of the seat only racing occasionally to be able to crew for the rest of the family, he decided to jump back in the driver seat this year, and to say the least boy was he ready!!! Ricky’s jumped back in the driver seat of the families bright orange 2006 American Dragster. After only one “test” session at the teams very tough home track and going several rounds with some of the best bracket racers in the world.

Ricky and the team were off to the 2017 Cavalcade Of Stars. However things never come too easy for the Schneider’s, Ricky due to weather and a broken starter only got one qualifying pass, luckily one pass was all he needed and he made the Super Comp field. The team battled rain and each car having some sort of issue all weekend long, which Ricky was right there to help with. Finally Sunday just before third round more rain came and they called the race and rescheduled for the following day, Monday. Both Ricky’s sons had to be home for work so Christa who was also still in, stayed, and Holly drove back out that morning. Finally on Monday they had great racing weather! Ricky was in the zone laying down killer packages all day and wouldn’t you know it HE WON! This was his first NHRA Wally and a huge accomplishment, especially because this was only his second weekend in the car! It was clear to the family Ricky was back and better than ever!

Next race was in Chicago; Ricky once again made the field and earned a spot in the specialty race “the Moser shootout”, where he continued to lay down those awesome packages just as he had done in Norwalk. Ricky finished the Shoot Out as runner-up. Talk about being on a roll!

This weekend Ricky headed up to US131 for an IHRA race. Christa and Ricky raced IHRA and chased point’s years ago, now there were only a few IHRA races they went to. This weekend it was just Ricky, Christa, Tyler, and his girlfriend. Once again he went round after round, Christopher and Holly were anxiously waiting at home for Christa’s text after each round… and of course for that phone call saying he had done it again. Saturday Night they got the call! Ricky had won Quick Rod! He is unstoppable on a roll! Clearly he’s not in retirement yet!

…. Man the family could get used to a final every weekend! Congrats Ricky we are all so proud!!!